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Home Made Coconut Milk

Healthy Drinks, Healthy Recipes 13/06/2013 2 min read

Home Made Coconut Milk

There are two ways of making coconut milk at home: by using a fresh, mature coconut (the hairy, brown kind) or by using dried, shredded coconut from the store.

Fresh Coconut:


  • 1 mature coconut, flesh removed, brown skin peeled off and cut into small pieces
  • 2 ½ cups of hot water


  • Place the coconut pieces in a blender with the water
  • Blend until you have a thick mixture. Be careful to hold down the top of the blender or allow the water to cool down slightly first. With some blenders, if the contents are too hot, they may land on your ceiling (speaking from experience..).
  • Place a nutmilk bag, couple of muslin cloths or a clean kitchen towel over a glass jar and pour the coconut milk through it, in batches, making sure you squeeze out all the milk as you go along.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Dried, shredded coconut:


  • 2 cups of shredded coconut
  • 3 cups of hot water


  • Place the dried coconut and the hot water in a blender and allow to soak for 1 -2 hours
  • Blend for about 1 minute
  • Place a nutmilk bag, couple of muslin cloths or a clean kitchen towel over a glass jar and pour the coconut milk through it, in batches, making sure you squeeze out all the milk as you go along.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.