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If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It?

Miscellaneous 15/05/2015 3 min read

If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It?

I don’t get it.

If you know that something inside your body is malfunctioning, why would you not do everything in your power to try and fix it?

It’s like driving around with a red indicator light flashing on your car dashboard. You wouldn’t do that either. You would take your car to the garage to get the problem fixed, lest you are stuck in the middle of the road one day.

Most of us have a red indicator light flashing in the form of recurring symptoms, some as seemingly insignificant as a recurring headache, cough & cold, or an irregular digestive system. Yet we stumble on, popping pills or using other ways to mask the symptoms, an approach which can be compared to simply disconnecting the indicator light and driving on while the underlying problem continues to exist.

It’s not entirely our fault. Our medical system pretty much works according to the same principle. And most of us have never thought to question that approach. Have a problem? Go to the doctor. Get a prescription to treat the symptoms and you feel better (for a while at least, until the symptoms come back with a vengeance).

Here’s the real deal: Imbalances, however minor they may be, require action. They are a sign of an underlying malfunction which needs fixing so that these symptoms don’t turn into major imbalances which turn into full breakdown.

And it might require you to take actions you do not like to take. Like cutting out sugar, or gluten, or quitting smoking or drinking or exercising. But would you not rather bite that bullet and be free of symptoms? Have energy and vitality and the ability to do what you want, when you want it?

Just saying…

And having said that I fully recognize it is not always easy to identify what’s causing your problems. But there are ways to make it easier. What we do with FDN is one of them for example. We are health detectives trained to find underlying root causes. And even if you are not ready to go that route, there are things you can do to create the right conditions for regaining balance.

So. Your choice. A life filled with good health and vitality or a life filled with health complaints.

I say let’s make it our priority to live well.

But that’s me… And you most probably or you wouldn’t be reading this.

Here’s to acknowledging warning signals and embracing good health!