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Love Yourself First

Miscellaneous 14/02/2014 4 min read

Love Yourself First

“The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” ― Steve Maraboli


I don’t necessarily appreciate the highly commercial aspect of a day like Valentine’s Day or think that expressing our love to one another should be limited to one day a year.

I do however appreciate the underlying thought of celebrating that, which drives the universe.  A force that is, in its highest form, pure, limitless, unconditional and blissful.

Do you love like that? Without restrictions or conditions or expectations?

In order to love others in this way we need to fully and unconditionally accept and love ourselves first. To get rid of the critical voices in our head. To accept our vulnerabilities and shortcomings and to realize that we are perfect and unique expressions of a higher consciousness.

Practicing self-love is an important part of a holistic health and wellness approach. It is a powerful part of living your most optimal life.

Here are some practical tips on how to start a loving relationship with yourself:

Get To Know Your Self

Your thoughts are not who you are. Learn to disconnect from them and reconnect with your true self by being still and present and in the moment. Feel your breath and the sensations in your body and relax your muscles as you bring your awareness inside. This is who you are. Right now, right here. Feel and enjoy your pure presence, your true self.

Try to come back to this as often as you can.

Make Space For Happiness

In your life there will be things that hold you down. People, places, activities or thoughts. Become aware of these happiness hackers. And let them go. Create space for people, things and activities that make you feel good and that give you happiness. You deserve it.

Follow Your Bliss

What inspires you? What makes your heart beat a bit faster (in a good way)? Find and pursue these sources of inspiration. If you follow your bliss you will lead a life full of inspiration and passion and true happiness.

Be Grateful

Research has shown that regularly counting your blessings has powerful physical and psychosocial benefits. By remembering the things that you are grateful for on a daily basis, you shift into a more positive mindset. And this will help you draw more positive things into your life, leading to higher levels of happiness and wellbeing.

Use Positive Affirmations

Mentally repeating positive statements can change your mental attitudes, your behavior and your reactions. You use your thinking mind to start the process and allow your subconscious mind to bring about the positive changes you are looking for in your life.

At one of my recent group sessions one of the participants shared a practical way of doing this. She keeps a mala (a string of 108 beads used for meditation) in her car and on each of those seemingly endless journeys through Mumbai traffic she uses this mala to mentally repeat powerful affirmations. Beautiful. Try this or find your own way of incorporating this practice into your life.

Look After YOU

Looking after yourself is just as important as looking after your loved ones, your business or your career. Put YOU on your to-do list and regularly schedule things that make you feel good. Have lunch with a close friend, go for a massage, try a yoga class or simply take some time out to read a good book.

You were born to love and live a life of purpose, passion and joy. Go on and make it happen. Today is a perfect day to start.