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Moving Forward

Miscellaneous 09/05/2016 3 min read

Moving Forward

The initial part of a health coaching program is always relatively easy. Although you might need to adjust to different food and lifestyle choices, there are pretty strong guidelines. There is the initial motivation and inspiration and the guidance of a coach that helps keep you on track. All systems are in place to help you succeed.

The challenge comes in when you move into the next phase and the strings are loosened and you have to learn to maintain balance on your own for the long run.

Here are a few of my tips that will help you sustain your efforts:

1. Stay with the program until you feel the way you want to feel. Till you experience high energy levels, smooth digestion, deep and restful sleep, etc. Till your symptoms have been resolved and your body has moved into a relative state of balance.

I say “relative” on purpose because being healthy is an on-going process of course correction. I don’t think we are ever “done” being healthy. Our circumstances, environments, stress levels, exposure to pollution continue to change and so does our body’s response to all these factors. We need to adapt and correct where necessary.

2. It is important to develop a good sense of awareness of your body before you move on to the next stage.  You have to know how to be attentive and recognize the triggers; the things that make you feel good and the things that don’t. For some people who are dealing with life-long autoimmune conditions for example this is very important. They need to be able to recognize the start of a flare so they can do the needful to stop the process.

3. Balance is key. Most people can afford an occasional indulgence without triggering a cascade of symptoms. It really depends on your body and your underlying issues and your personal decision to deal with the aftermath of the indulgence. Self-control is important here. Without this the occasional indulgences can become daily indulgences and before you know it you are back to square one.

Typically you will have built a heightened sensitivity during the course of your health-coaching program and so you will know what your body can handle or not. For some people there is an obvious physical response to a food that isn’t good for them but for others the reaction is less obvious. They need to be more aware of the internal repercussions of eating less than healthy foods such as commercial deep fried foods, or sugar-laden desserts. This is one of the reasons that education is an important part of my health coaching programs.

4. Keep your goals at the front of your mind. What are you trying to achieve? Why did you embark on a health-coaching program to begin with? I doubt your goals have changed and so whatever you do, whatever you put in your mouth, take a moment to ask yourself whether this is in line with your ultimate vision for yourself.

If I had to choose two key words to sum it all up, it would be AWARENESS and BALANCE.

Yes, I am all for living a little. But ideally without compromising your health in the process. Find foods (and drinks) that you can enjoy without doing damage to your body.

And if you occasionally decide to throw all caution to the wind, get back on track the next day. 10 years from now, when you look and feel younger than what your biological age dictates, you will thank yourself for it.

