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The ABCs of Life

Miscellaneous 17/01/2014 5 min read

The ABCs of Life

“Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.” – Sonia Ricotti

No matter how balanced we are, when life gets tough most of us tend to lose our peace of mind. Sometimes it is gone briefly, other times we are so thrown off by our experiences that we are unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We refuse to accept what is, fight our circumstances, and we end up feeling like victims.

I guess most people can relate to this. Life is, after all, a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes you unexpectedly find yourself in a situation that seems impossible and you reject and object despite deep down knowing this is not the most helpful way to respond. It leaves you feeling miserable, stuck in the past, fearful of the future and unable to see the good things that are all around you.

The funny thing is that deep down, at the core of our being, we know exactly what to do. We just momentarily forget and give in to the voices in our head and the gremlins on our shoulder… All it takes is a small shift in perspective so that you can accept your circumstances, overcome your negativity and turn your life around.

My personal experience with this taught me a few valuable lessons. Now, if life throws me a curve ball, I am ready: I try to remember and live by 3 essential rules that provide me a way to accept what is, take control of my destiny and help me create my perfect life.


You are exactly where you need to be. Don’t fight your situation. Fully accept it as it is. I deeply believe that we are put on this earth to grow and evolve. Life presents us with many ways to continue our growth process. Most of us get too caught up in things that hinder that growth and at times life presents us with situations that we might view as obstacles but that really are opportunities to accelerate our own evolution. All that is required is a change in perspective. And this can be extremely hard, especially if you find yourself in tough times. But it is an essential first step to making the changes that will catapult you into a new and more positive direction.


Believe in a supreme intelligence, a higher consciousness that is there to support and guide you. A universal, higher power that is at all times available to you if you learn how to tap into it. Call it anything you like. Just know that it is there to help you make your dreams come true.


Once you fully accept your current situation as well as the existence of a higher power that is there to support you, you can begin to actively create and shape your destiny. Your life is a direct result of your thoughts, beliefs, dreams and intentions. Focus on the negative and it will magnify. Focus on the positive and watch your life magically transform.

In order to live by these 3 powerful, life-changing rules, we require some practical tools to put them into action. Here are some that work for me:

1. Attitude of gratitude.

Twice a day, once when you wake up and once when you go to sleep (and many times in between if you like), count your blessings. However dire your situation, there are always many things that you can be grateful for. Find them, name them. Again and again until you naturally develop an attitude of gratitude. It shifts your focus from negative to positive and this will automatically bring more positives into your life.

2. Positive affirmations.

You are fully loved, fully cared for. A beautiful, one-of-a-kind gorgeous being that deserves the best life has to offer. Tell yourself that. Over and over till it fills up the entire fabric of your being. Every morning remind yourself: I am complete. I am beautiful. I am peaceful. I am abundant. I am love. And so on. Pick any positive affirmation you wish. And know it is true.

3. Just Be.

Smell the roses. See the beautiful sky. Notice the soft breeze on your face. Observe your breath. Be in the moment, where there is no scope for worries, fears or regrets.

4. Set your intentions.

Be clear and specific on what you want for yourself. Visualize it as if it is already there, as if you have already reached that goal. Feel it. See it. Taste it if you will. Creating a vision board can be a very helpful tool in this. Cut out images, affirmations, words, anything that represents your goal and paste it on a board or poster. Place it somewhere where you will be reminded of your dream and inspired to achieve it.

5. Trust the universe.

It will take you to where you need to be. Once you are able to accept that you are where you are supposed to be at this point, you have set clear intentions on where you would like to go and you have an unwavering faith that there is an invisible life force that will help you get there, you can start achieving your goals. Trust the universe and watch your beautiful life magically unfold.


With love,
