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Thyroid Health

Health Issues 16/11/2012 4 min read

Thyroid Health

In recent years there has been a staggering increase in thyroid related health issues, especially in women. This is a phenomenon across the world and as certain research studies have pointed out, increasingly so in India. According to a projection from various studies on thyroid disease, it has been estimated that about 42 million people in India suffer from thyroid diseases. *

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland located at the base of the neck. It is the gland in your body that produces thyroid hormones which control functions such as metabolism and growth.

Thyroid conditions are linked to changes in weight, energy, sleep and affect more women then men. They occur most often during those phases in life that are linked to hormonal changes such as child bearing and peri menopause.

It is easy to see the importance of adopting a lifestyle and eating pattern that help support your overall health. Similarly, your diet and lifestyle play a very important role in the healthy functioning of your thyroid. Below is a list of tips that will help make a difference to your thyroid health.

1. Eat fresh, whole foods.

  • Eat what nature intended us to eat and eliminate refined, processed foods from your diet. This will ensure you get optimum nutrition.
  • The two most important nutrients that support your thyroid are iodine and selenium so be sure to eat foods that contain these. Iodine can be found in iodized salt, seafood and selenium in brazil nuts, tuna, mushrooms and sunflower seeds among other things.
  • Additionally you should support your thyroid with foods that contain other important nutrients such as Omega 3s, zinc, vitamin A and the B vitamins. Supplementing with a high quality multi vitamin is a good way to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs for optimum functioning.
  • It is also important to know that dieting and under eating can strongly contribute to thyroid imbalances so refrain from yo-yo dieting and instead, adopt a more long term approach of choosing healthy, wholesome foods that are high in nutrients rather then empty calories.

2. Eliminate gluten from your diet.

  • There have been several studies that have confirmed a connection between the consumption of gluten containing foods and health issues linked to thyroid disfunction. As it is, gluten is a strong potential allergent and more and more people are finding they have sensitivities to it. If your thyroid function is already weak, it might be best to avoid all grains that contain gluten such as wheat, rye and barley. In his article (http://chriskresser.com/the-gluten-thyroid-connection) Chris Kesser, licensed acupuncturist, functional medicine practitioner and author behind the website www.chriskresser.com, explains why especially for people with autoimmune thyroid diseases it is extremely important to cut out gluten from their diet.

3. Cut out processed foods, sugar/sweeteners and alcohol from your diet.

  • These items can interfere with a healthy thyroid function. High levels of sugar intake can damage the adrenal and thyroid glands by continuously making them work overtime to deal with excess levels of sugar in the body.
  • Alcohol is a depressant and by excess consumption it can affect the thyroid by suppressing its functions, resulting in the thyroid gland not producing enough hormones.
  • Eating too many processed foods will deprive your body of nutrients which are much needed to support a healthy thyroid function.

4. Avoid soy.

  • Soy is a goitrogenic food which means it affects the thyroid’s ability to get the necessary amounts of iodine. It also contains anti-nutrients that interfere with digestion and absorption and phytoestrogens that interfere with endocrine function. High consumptions of soy products can therefore contribute to thyroid problems in women.

5. Slow down.

  • Chronic stress can cause hormone disturbances and hormonal deficiencies which affect the endocrine system, and the thyroid. Take some time out for yourself to unwind and relax on a regular basis. Practice yoga, meditation to clear your mind and de-stress. By doing so you will find yourself more open and in touch with your natural ability to make better choices for yourself and your health.

By incorporating these tips into your daily life you are taking an important step to building a healthy foundation that will not only help you support your thyroid function but will also ensure a higher sense of health and well being.

* http://www.ijem.in/article.asp?issn=2230-8210;year=2011;volume=15;issue=6;spage=78;epage=81;aulast=Unnikrishnan

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