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“What is Wrong With Me?”

Miscellaneous 16/08/2014 4 min read

“What is Wrong With Me?”

” Symptoms are common but not normal and a sign that something is wrong.”– Reed Davis

I consider myself very lucky. Besides the obvious things in life that one feels grateful for, I am able to immerse myself, for a living, in a subject that I am very passionate about. Just at the start of summer I decided to take this passion a bit deeper and enrolled in a Functional Diagnostics Nutrition (FDN) training.It’s a biggie, this training. I have spent most of the summer reading, listening to lectures, taking online tests, practical exams and using myself as a guinea pig to investigate underlying malfunctions that lie at the root of common health complaints. Because despite working very hard to live a healthy and wholesome life I have some health complaints.

And who doesn’t? I am talking about the kind of complaints that we either try to suppress by self-medicating or adjusting our diet or simply by ignoring them. Things like digestion, minor aches and pains, mood issues, hormonal imbalances, inability to maintain your ideal weight, sleep issues, skin problems, etc. Health complaints that are very common yet a sign that there is something wrong.

In one of the lectures FDN teacher Reed Davis showed something related to this that is both simple and profound at the same time. He calls it the Wellness Scale: 0 being death, 100 being perfect health, and 50 being no symptoms, which he calls: “a dangerous state which most people consider to be health but which is simply an absence of symptoms.”

Most of us hover just around that 50 mark. That’s only half of what we are inherently capable of. We have the innate ability and inner intelligence to thrive, have energy, live our most optimum lives yet we hover around the 50 mark, myself included.

Why is this so?

Here are some of the reasons I can think of:

  1. We don’t know what it is like anymore to have perfect health; we have learned to accept less than perfect as “normal.” Yet symptoms are common but NOT NORMAL.
  2. We are continuously bombarded with internal and external stressors that make it very, very difficult to stay balanced and healthy. We have many things going against us in this modern day battle.
  3. We just don’t know how to fix it. There are heaps and heaps of information on diet, lifestyle, mind-body work, alternative therapies, and fitness. But how on earth do we try it all and figure out what works? Who is there to guide us through the steps? A physician will give you a pill to address your symptoms but generally does very little to solve the underlying root cause. And what is that underlying root cause? How do we find it?

I spent many years trying so many different things, doing everything “right” yet I still hung around the 50 mark on the Wellness Scale. Why? I simply was not able to find out what the underlying malfunction was that caused my symptoms.

Well, one summer of FDN training later and I figured out my major internal health-blocking factor. Through a step by step, systematic approach of running functional lab tests I found out that an intestinal bug has been camping out in my insides and playing havoc with my digestive system for who knows how long. That pesky bug is one of many potential internal stressors that can cause an entire cascade of related and unrelated malfunctions and symptoms, preventing us from reaching an optimum level of health.Needless to say I am so very excited to have found my healing opportunities and I have incorporated a super duper health protocol that will help me regain the balance I have been looking for for so long.

I am even more excited to take this amazing health detective work into my health coaching practice soon, as a certified FDN practitioner so that I can help you find your underlying malfunctions and healing opportunities and recommend an awesome, personalized and targeted health building protocol, complete with diet recommendations, lifestyle suggestions and supplements to get you moving up the scale.

So let me know if you are ready to find out what is causing your body to malfunction, to seek the underlying causes, identify your healing opportunities and restore balance.

100 here we come!

