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What’s Hot and What’s Not (in my world)

Miscellaneous 16/03/2015 5 min read

What’s Hot and What’s Not (in my world)

What’s hot:

1. Running

Inspired by my friends Imtiaz and Ketaki who are seasoned marathon runners, I decided to don a pair of running shoes and see what the fuss is all about. Now I will have you know that although fit, bendy and pretty strong I cannot run to save my life. Never have. Cycling yes, swimming yes, running: absolutely not. Ever. Half a minute and I am panting like a dog.

But armed with newfound inspiration and motivation and an 8-week training plan I am working towards running for 30 minutes by the end of it all. So far so good. I will keep you posted. Here is the link to a beginner’s running training program that I am currently following.

2. Biohacking

“Biohacking: (v) To use systems thinking, science, biology, and self-experimentation to take control of and upgrade your body, your mind, and your life. (n) The art and science of becoming superhuman.” – Dave Asprey, The Bulletproof Executive

Biohacking describes the focus of an ever-growing community of people that consciously and consistently take steps to improve their health and happiness and I am a dedicated member. Dave Asprey, the ultimate bio-hacker and many of his followers take this concept to a whole new level by using technology, tests, and self-experimentation to “hack” their health. I believe that taking an interest in improving your diet, fitness, higher self, brain, thoughts and more is enough to get started. The idea is to maximize your biological potential by taking charge of your own health and wellness. Join the club!

3. Coffee enemas

Yes, I have joined the international Starbutts Community. If you had asked me 6 months ago I would have said No Way. But curiosity got the better of me and once a week I enjoy a bottoms-up coffee morning in the privacy of my bathroom as part of my gut-healing, liver cleansing protocol. Now I realize this might be too much information for some of you but I just had to share it because boy it works. There is a spring in my step, a glow to my skin and a considerable improvement in my digestion.  You can read my post on Liver Health to understand why coffee enemas are so beneficial. Best to get your physician’s approval before becoming a Starbutts member.

4. Books: The Autoimmune Solution- Dr. Amy Myers

I mentioned it in my article on “Autoimmunity-Finding the Root Cause” because I attended an online webinar by Dr. Myers and just knew it had to be good. If you are one of the millions of people across the globe that is dealing with Autoimmunity, this is a book for you. It is a number 1 bestseller and you can check it out on Amazon here.

5. Vitamin D boosting sunbaths

Twenty minutes a day, as often as possible, I am on my balcony soaking up the rays and a good dose of Vitamin D along with it. Most of us are deficient in this important vitamin, which we need for strong bones, muscles, to fight inflammation and for communication between nerves. Sun exposure (20 minutes with maximum exposed skin) is the best way to build up your Vitamin D levels. When that’s not possible in your side of the world, choose to supplement with high quality D3. I advise regular testing to check your Vitamin D levels as you don’t want too little but neither too much. Mark Sisson writes about how and how much of supplemention in this article. Another interesting look at optimal vitamin D levels and some new research studies can be found here.

6. Bollywood Dancing

In preparation for the Indian wedding of the year I am rocking and rolling to Bollywood tunes these days. My friend Anita’s gorgeous daughter Alisha is getting married at the end of the month and we are putting up a “Mother of the Bride and Friends” performance. I am mentioning it here because I have a newfound respect for Bollywood dancing. It is a serious work out! Hands, feet, head, and hips (especially hips!) are moving non-stop, ideally in perfect coordination, which seems to be my biggest challenge. In addition to exercising my body I am exercising my brain trying to remember the sequence and steps. If you are looking for a new way to move your body, this might just be the thing for you.

What’s not:

H. Pylori

My goodness this is one stubborn critter. But I think I nailed it with a multi-pronged approach that includes a herbal anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-parasite formula, a special anti H. Pylori tea, some mastic gum and a number of super duper gut healing supplements.

This is my personal experience with H. Pylori but why I am mentioning this here is because so many people carry this infection: an estimated two thirds of the world population is infected. Numbers in developing countries such as India are even higher. Standard treatment includes strong doses of antibiotics that can be very hard on patients with 20% of people experiencing severe symptoms and even then treatment is not always be successful at eradicating the infection. I think it is important to know that there are more gentle yet effective natural alternatives.

The other part of the problem is that doctors often forget to simultaneously heal the gut, which leaves one open to being re-infected at the drop of a hat.

H. Pylori is the underlying cause of 90% of ulcers or, like in my case, there could be no such symptoms but rather a silent damaging of the stomach lining leading to inflammation in the digestive tract. Leaky gut, malabsorption are some potential consequences. I will be writing a detailed article on this so be on the lookout!

So that’s what’s hot and what’s not for me right now. More hot than not, which is good. 🙂

Be Well!