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Glorious Ginger

Healthy Foods 16/05/2013 2 min read

Glorious Ginger

Ginger is one of those spices that you can’t ignore. It adds a serious “kick” and very distinct flavor to many food dishes and drinks and has a surprising number of health benefits. Both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda recognize ginger as a virtual medicine chest which can help cure and prevent several health issues.

Here are a few fun facts and reasons you should be using ginger in your kitchen plus some recipes to get you going.

  • Ginger (“Zingiber Officinale”) is not actually a root, but a rhizome which is like an underground stem which grows parallel to the earth.
  • Ginger thrives in the tropics and warmer regions and is mostly grown in parts of West Africa, the West Indies, India and China with the best quality ginger being said to come from Jamaica.
  • It is most well-known for its ability to help treat digestives disorders ranging from nausea, flatulence to stomach cramps and for waking up the taste buds and getting your digestive juices flowing.
  • The other most common medicinal use of ginger is for respiratory problems. Ginger helps break up congestion, improves circulation and burns up toxins according to ayurveda.
  • In order to cool inflammation (which is the root cause of many chronic illnesses), be sure to include plenty of ginger in your diet as it has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Last but definitely not least, ayurveda recognizes ginger as a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • When buying fresh ginger, look for firm roots with a spicy fragrance and smooth skin. Store ginger, wrapped in a paper towel or plastic wrap in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks.

Ready for some recipes?