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Miscellaneous The Secret Behind A Successful New Year

The Secret Behind A Successful New Year

The last weeks of the year and the countdown to the next is a perfect time to slow down, internalize and take stock of your life. It is a perfect opportunity to temporarily step off the fast train and check if you are still going in the right direction.


12/12/2016 3 min read

Healthy Drinks Healthy Peppermint Mocha

Healthy Peppermint Mocha

Deliciously healthy Peppermint Mocha that has no coffee, no dairy, no refined sugar and still tastes like it is snowing outside and the holidays are here.


29/11/2016 2 min read

Miscellaneous 5 Great Ways to Start Your Day

5 Great Ways to Start Your Day

Your mornings are an opportunity to set the tone for the rest of your day. Establishing a routine that supports your physical, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing can be very powerful and even life-changing. Here are 5 powerful ways to begin your day with positivity, energy and awareness.


29/11/2016 5 min read

Health Issues Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Hormonal imbalances lie at the root of a host of common health concerns that affect many people. Fortunately there are many ways to support your hormones naturally.


14/11/2016 8 min read

Healthy Recipes Smoked Turkey Paleo Wraps

Smoked Turkey Paleo Wraps

Gluten free wraps with smoked turkey, romaine lettuce and chipotle mayo. Delicious!


14/11/2016 2 min read

Healthy Recipes Roasted Vegetable Salad

Roasted Vegetable Salad

A healthy and colourful salad of roasted vegetables that is bursting with flavour. Serve with some roasted or pan fried chicken or fish for a complete meal.


14/11/2016 1 min read

Healthy Drinks Ginger Green Smoothie

Ginger Green Smoothie

Inspired by Nurse Ginger Greene, a delicious green smoothie with a serious ginger kick. I enjoyed it several times during my trip to NYC this summer and re-created the recipe the moment I got back. Here it is!


09/10/2016 1 min read

Healthy Recipes Asian Salad with Ginger Sesame Miso Dressing

Asian Salad with Ginger Sesame Miso Dressing

A lovely light and crunchy salad, perfect for lunch or dinner with a most delicious Asian Ginger Sesame Miso dressing.


05/10/2016 1 min read

Health Optimisation What is Functional Nutrition?

What is Functional Nutrition?

There is a revolution underway. One that will change the face of healthcare as we know it. Read my story, how it connects to what I do today and why I am so proud to be a part of this Functional movement.


03/10/2016 6 min read

Breakfast Grain Free Granola Bites

Grain Free Granola Bites

A satisfying, crunchy, nutrient dense, Paleo friendly breakfast or snack. I am hooked!


29/09/2016 2 min read