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Digestive issues Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – 5 things you need to know

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – 5 things you need to know

“Research into Irritable Bowel Syndrome is making a lot of headway and there is a much better understanding today about...


23/04/2021 7 min read

Miscellaneous Can’t sleep? find out what’s really keeping you up at night.

Can’t sleep? find out what’s really keeping you up at night.

“Even if the connection seems far-fetched, research has shown that the microbial community in your gut is capable of keeping...


11/04/2021 5 min read

Miscellaneous Bloating, afternoon slumps, a growing waistline?

Bloating, afternoon slumps, a growing waistline?

“The solution to resolving your health challenges as is unique as you are, requires a root cause approach and a process that involves tracking and adjusting.”


30/09/2020 4 min read

Miscellaneous What’s the gut got to do with covid-19..?

What’s the gut got to do with covid-19..?

For those of you that have worked with me or have followed my newsletters and articles over the years, you...


25/03/2020 4 min read

Miscellaneous Diet choices – are you making the right one?

Diet choices – are you making the right one?

Resolving health challenges and mysterious symptoms more often than not requires a very systematic and highly personalised approach. Making well informed decisions, finding reliable and reputable resources, and adopting a holistic approach to health are some of the ways that help.


13/12/2019 5 min read

Health Issues Insights into IBS

Insights into IBS

Some important new areas of research in IBS are starting to throw some light on this common condition and more importantly they are presenting us with exciting new diagnostic tools and treatment strategies.


10/10/2019 4 min read

Miscellaneous Introducing your inner housekeeper: the MMC

Introducing your inner housekeeper: the MMC

MMC stands for migrating motor complex, a pattern of electromagnetic activity that sweeps through your small intestinal tract in between...


01/05/2019 3 min read

Miscellaneous Not in my book.

Not in my book.

In January of this year I turned 49. And one of my birthday presents was the onset of hot flashes....


10/04/2019 3 min read

Miscellaneous Travel and your gut – how to keep things moving

Travel and your gut – how to keep things moving

One of the advantages of living in Asia is the ease with which you can travel to diverse and exotic...


12/02/2019 4 min read

Miscellaneous The one thing

The one thing

What is the one thing that you can do this year such that by doing it you would make the biggest impact on your health?


04/01/2019 6 min read