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What Your Poo Says About You
Taking a quick peak at your poop can help identify underlying imbalances
When Your Lab Tests Look Fine But You Know Something Is Wrong…
When your doctor or your lab tests tell you nothing is wrong with you and you know that that’s not true, go with your gut.
How to avoid catching every cold or flu that is going around
There are many things that affect your immune health. One of the pieces of the puzzle is connected to the health of your digestive system.
Battling a cold or flu? Here are 6 tips to help you get well faster.
Sometimes, despite looking after yourself and taking all kinds of precautionary measures you still catch that dreaded cold or flu....
When You Blow Up Like A Balloon After Meals
Bloating and gas are a result of a compromised digestive system and often tied to what you eat.
Is Brain Fog Clouding Your Life Abroad?
You’re trying to read your book but the words are just not registering. You walk into the kitchen and all...
When Travel Belly turns to Expat Belly
Why an expat belly is the number 1 health issue troubling expats, how it shows up and what you can do about it.
The Health Benefits of Kefir
Eating probiotic foods is a great way to bring beneficial flora back into the gut and kefir is possibly one of the most potent probiotic foods available
Berry Banana Kefir Smoothie
Enjoy the health benefits of kefir with some added sweetness and fruity flavors.
Kefir Chia Pudding
A chia pudding with a lovely mixture of flavors and textures and the added benefit of gut loving kefir.