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Dark Chocolate Mini Muffins (Paleo approved)
These little babies are a perfect little treat! Especially when freshly baked and still warm from the oven... Gluten free, protein-rich and without sugar.
What is Paleo?
A detailed look at the Paleo diet and why grains, legumes and dairy are not a part of this way of eating.
Paleo Coconut Porridge
A refreshing and nutritious breakfast porridge with water and flesh from a tender coconut, fruit and nuts
Paleo Tips & Tricks
7 Top tips on how to successfully adopt a Paleo type diet
Paleo Porridge 2
A deliciously creamy, wholesome, grain- and dairy free breakfast.
Paleo: No Grains, Legumes, Dairy, Sugar… What DO you eat??
Here is what you eat on a Paleo diet...
Paleo Porridge
A warm, sweet bowl of grain- and dairy-free porridge that tastes heavenly.
Paleo Day 9: I Am Digging This
9 Days into a Paleo diet and I like where this is going...
Guide to Eating Paleo: Bio-individuality
Day 5 of 30 Days Paleo: All about how to fine-tune your diet according to your unique requirements
Paleo Lesson 1: Pancakes Have to Go…
Lesson learned on day 1 of 30 days Paleo in India